Saturday, December 6, 2008

Santa Claus is Coming to Town...

Well Thursday night the kids and I ran to the mall, looking for Christmas gifts for everyone! After riding the carousel like 1000 times we finally agreed to see Santa. I didn't know how David or Kaelyn would do. I was in shock! Little David was like no, mommy. :) Kaelyn was all smiles and spitting on him. She is camera happy so I think that's why she didn't care what or who was holding her as long as that camera was on her. David was like lets go mom, lets go mom. He was scared of him. I thought it would be the opposite. The only way I was able to get a picture with Santa with the kids if I got in the picture to. Please disregard the pic of me. I was not even planning on a picture and was talking to David while she was taking it. "so its not the greatest but a keepsake!" Well Friday was pretty much a lounge day in out pj's. It was nice let me tell you! Saturday my mother in law and I were qualified in a contest to WIN 1000.00 dollars to the mall. So we had to go to the mall by 10:45. ah... mall= annoying on the weekends! Well only 22 people showed up so our odds should have been pretty good. ugh WRONG. As you see I didn't win, otherwise i would be to busy out shopping. Bob and Sherri from the morning show were there. Ha ha, by the way Sherri thinks our little girl is just so cute and loves her cheeks. Oh by the way about her cheeks, this little boy was standing by Kaelyn in the stroller while his brother rode the carousel and says she has chipmunk cheeks, lol. I laughed. The mom was like i am so sorry ma'am. I really didn't think anything of it besides it was funny! So we just tried to shop but not really had lunch there and went and had dinner at the in laws. Decided to get home because I believe our chipmunk baby has ANOTHER yes I did say ANOTHER earache. If she is not better by tomorrow she is headed to the clinic on Monday. Ur.... poor thing. She has been really fussy lately and she has a tooth coming in but I just blamed it on the teeth. Well I am sure its a mix of a tooth and earache. She is pulling at them things like gold! She just had a double ear infection a month ago. I get this feeling she will be like little David and need tubes. Well its 8:30 and both kids are out like bugs!! PHEW... I am head to bed after catching up on my soaps... :) yea, I am old! Until next time...
(X-MAS 2008)


You better watch out

You better not cry

Better not pout

I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town

He's making a list,

And checking it twice;

Gonna find out

Who's naughty and nice.

Santa Claus is coming to town

He sees you when you're sleeping

He knows when you're awake

He knows if you've been bad or good

So be good for goodness sake

!O!You better watch out!

You better not cry.

Better not pout,

I'm telling you why.

Santa Claus is coming to town.

Santa Claus is coming to town.


Kayce said...

Love it! The kids looks JUST like you! And Santa looks like the REAL Santa!!! Is he visiting from the North Pole? HAHA Love y'all!!

Alicia W. said...

I love how you got in the picture with them! Good idea - it turned out so great.