Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Update on David and Kaelyn:

Well they both got weighed today and measured... Kaelyn is almost 7 months and weighing in at 21 pounds. Her height is 27.3 inches. David is weighing 39 pounds and 37 inches tall. I have to admit there big munchkins, but there cute as a button. How can you NOT agree??!! THERE ADORABLE. Little d is a solid kiddo but tall also. I love Kaelyns cheeks. This is why David and I love these two so much.... Look at the pictures and there is your answer! :)

Big David has been really busy with lots at work and I am just being a mommy!!! We have a really busy weekend coming that were so excited for!!! Well until next time...


Alicia W. said...

Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog! :o) I just adore your best friend Kaycee. Not to mention your kids are SOOOO Cute!

Nice to meet you!

Amanda said...
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