Saturday, we went to a couple pet stores to find another Henry but no such luck. From what we were told they can't sell turtles in the state of North Carolina because I guess dumb people feed them to chickens?! haha- no clue... YES ODD... but whatever. Then, we just cooked out on the grill and I had myself some Firefly- YES YUMMY!!!!
Sunday, I went and bought the kids a little swimming pool to play in because it got so hot here. The dang pool was smaller than smaller. I thought it was bigger. :) Sorry kids- I took it back today! :) Little David and Kaelyn drove all over on David's Jeep he got last year. We finally pulled it out from the shed. We buckled Kaelyn in with a belt, haha! She loves it. We already know what she will get on her 2nd birthday! David had a friend over and we cooked out on the grill again. I love cooking on the grill if you haven't noticed. It taste so good! Also better for you!
Today, we got a surprise from Papa- A RABBIT! Yes, you heard me right. Its name is Cinnamon. For anyone who knows me I use to LOVE pets not no more. So this change is a HUGE change for me to adjust to. The kids love her! I am starting to get attached to her. I even went to Walmart today and bought a harness and leash for it, lol. Shut up Kayce! I figured this way the kids can play with her without her running all over. Thanks Papa for the rabbit. You made the kids day! I feel like a whole new me! Its hard to believe that I said yes to getting it. I just feel I will give it a shot! I will soon- just give me some time. I am getting old! LOL . Hope you had a fantastic weekend, like we did!
This is David's last week in the 82nd. I am so proud of him!!! I wish him all the best and will be here for him through all this!!! Love you baby! The kids are getting big. Kaelyn is now up to about 3-4 steps at a time. I think before her birthday she will be walking. But who knows. Little David now can say his first and last name! I can't believe Easter is this weekend! Don't forget to shop parents!! 'Kayce get the dogs a bone, lol." I just did all my shopping today! I think were having Easter at my house. We have family coming in from town and its easier if we do it then. Were going to hide eggs with the kids. I think sometime this week we will color eggs! I love doing that!!! Well since I have talked your ears off---- enjoy the pictures!!
That has got to be the cutest little bathing suit EVER! My favorite picture is the one of them driving away... JUST PRECIOUS!
I can never get the dern measurements right in my head when it comes to buying a blow up pool. It's always smaller than I think. ;o)
I love Kaelyn's bathing suit. It's so cute on her! Can't wait to come up there and see y'all soon . . . and Cinnamon too. HAHA!
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