Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Kaelyn!!
Baby girl- you mean so much to us! I can't believe you are already one years old today! Its crazy. You have changed day by day and are so amazing. :) As your parent, we always want the best for you. We hope you all the best for many years ahead of you, you have! I can wait til all your next everything. Time goes by to quick as it is and I want all the time with your and your brother. You love playing with your brothers trucks and watching Spongebob. You were such a amazing gift when we found out when I was pregnant with you. All 40 weeks pregnant. Waiting for my water to break with -being how stubborn you were. Just kidding. You were a miracle when you got stuck and turned purple and scared dad, both grandmas, and me. You pushed yourself out! We love you so much. I am so happy I am your mommy. I am so excited to do all the things girls do as girls and be tomboys. :0) We had went fishing on Monday morning and you grabbed that fish with no scarce whatsoever. You are always willing to try things and get into the darnest things but at the end of the night I wouldn't trade anything in the world. You are your own person and I am glad because that makes YOU. Happy 1st Birthday Baby Girl. Love you always, Mommy-Daddy-and DayDay.
Happy Birthday!
Nay Nay is such a dork with cake! Tell her i love her!
Happy (belated) birthday to your sweet beautiful girl!
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