Monday, March 30, 2009

We have a new addition

Wondering what it is...

Asking why the tail comes out like that
Papa and Lil D looking at Henry
Papa brought the kids a turtle this morning! Little David loved it at first until he realized that turtles are SLOW. He was getting frustrated! Daddy and Day named the turtle Henry. He is in aquarium right now! We are going to keep him for about a week, then the boys are going to realize him into the water. For now- its cute watching Lil David get excited every time he hears the turtle move. Well enjoy the pics... he will be missed in about 5 days... xoxox....


JB said...

Aw, what a cute lil pet!

Kayce said...

Aw, I bet Day LOVES Henry. I can only imagine.

Alicia W. said...

soooo sweet! Henry is a cute name.