Monday, February 23, 2009

Wacky Monday

Well today has been a day. Woke up this morning and brought Kaelyn to the E.N.T--- well....she is scheduled for surgery in about two to three weeks for tubes. She failed some of her hearing tests in both ears. With a history of having a non-stop infection for the past 6 months its bound she gets them.
Little David goes to the doctors in morning to get blood drawn -not looking forward to that. The last time he has had have to blood drawn was about when he was 4 or 5 months old. Its going to be interesting. I hope he does good! Its just to make sure everything is going good with him. Which I am sure it is but just to be safe.
Hope you all had a wonderful Monday!!! Until next time...

1 comment:

Kayce said...

Love the pictures! Nay Nay is getting SO much hair! And Day Day loves to run around with no pants on. hahaha Love yall!