Our puppy dog

Thanks Aunt Kayce for my outfit--i'm so cute in it!

Happy Valentines' Day Daddy

I'm a big helper!

Baby girl walking with her big girl walker

cutie pie

crazy kiddos

blue eyed sushine
mommys baby boy

first time playing in yard

soccer star already


goof ball

aww: holding his sissy while she naps

were silly

david playing with his army men

mommy and baby girl
Okay you all!!! I'm back to join you all!!! FINALLY.... CAN YOU TELL I'M HAPPY?! Hope you all are doing fabulous! Things here are good. Little update before I post lots of pics... Little David is doing great! He is putting sentences together so well. You literally think your talking to a 4 year old when you talk to him. I went grocery shopping with him today, and every time he walked by someone and there cart was in the way he would say, "excuse me." They all thought he was the cutest little thing!!! I know I know. Its been very busy lately as you all know. Kaelyn on the other hand has ANOTHER ear infection. Odd... Just kidding. She goes to go and see a ENT on Monday. Thank goodness, I am thinking there going to suggest tubes. We will see and I will keep you all informed. I don't even know what else to say because I feel out the loop a little.... lol. I will be coming back more daily. I will cut to the chase and post pics.... Hope you all enjoy them all. Until next time...
LOVE THE OUTFIT ON NAY NAY! So cute! And Day Day really was beat up by the looks of that picture of him helping you make the cake. Poor little thing. Love yall!
I love all the pictures of you and the kids! Is Nay Nay learning how to walk? If so I'm really proud of her!! Is lil D gonna play soccer or is he just playing with a ball? If he does want to play When we come up by you guys I can play with him or sometime you guys should come up during soccer season and watch me play! I'm really really good!! Love you! Bye!
Glad you're back!
Enjoyed all the pics!
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