Cannot believe our baby boy turned 3. Felt like yesterday I found out were having a baby boy. Through the past three years he has changed so much. Just from a day to day, year to year, and month to month. He is into liking so many things. I find David and me in him everyday by his looks and behavior. Its sad that time just sweeps right below your feet. I am so thankful to have such and awesome little boy and a cutie pie!! I could go on on on on about him because he ROCKS! Happy Birthday baby boy... we love you always and forever honey- love Daddy, Mommy, and Kaelyn
Three years old, well – that’s amazing! Our little champ that we are raising.Is now three years
old, and such a great little guy. Full of smiles and laughter. And we have to wonder why
Why are we so blessed? We certainly don’t deserve. This little bundle of energy and verve
We love you so, little fellah . You are so, so cool . And so easy too – what terrible twos?
They didn’t happen – instead they were terrific. Wonderful, fantastic, and Splendiforific.
For most two-year-olds the favorite words are “No”, “No”, and “No”. Your’s were quite different – and noticeably so. Your favorite words were “mine” and “because I said so” . Now what great words for a two year old to say! Daddy has changed millions more than I . As I was saying, I will not miss diapers . But I will miss this age – it’s a special one. Full of giggles and fun for our baby boy. We love you Day Day – we love to watch you grow. To see you becoming a boy – Throwing a ball, running to and from. Laughing loudly! Giving daddy a hug and a kiss. Or getting rough and rowdy with Kaelyn (She's your best friend, though she acts like a baby). Watching trucks are never ending! Or playing the unstopable Wii-Yes, we are so proud of you, for all of your ways
And our prayer is that through all your fun-filled days. God will keep you, protect you, and hold you close to His side, And with His strong hand to be your Guide. That you will learn to know Him and love Him . Abide him! So – we’re trusting our Lord to show us the way. To be good parents to our kids day after day. We love you so much, little guy – you’re the best! With you around we are happy and blessed. Happy birthday, little friend, (though its a two weeks late, it’s true!) Happy Birthday dear Day Day. We sure do love you!
Why are we so blessed? We certainly don’t deserve. This little bundle of energy and verve
We love you so, little fellah . You are so, so cool . And so easy too – what terrible twos?
They didn’t happen – instead they were terrific. Wonderful, fantastic, and Splendiforific.
For most two-year-olds the favorite words are “No”, “No”, and “No”. Your’s were quite different – and noticeably so. Your favorite words were “mine” and “because I said so” . Now what great words for a two year old to say! Daddy has changed millions more than I . As I was saying, I will not miss diapers . But I will miss this age – it’s a special one. Full of giggles and fun for our baby boy. We love you Day Day – we love to watch you grow. To see you becoming a boy – Throwing a ball, running to and from. Laughing loudly! Giving daddy a hug and a kiss. Or getting rough and rowdy with Kaelyn (She's your best friend, though she acts like a baby). Watching trucks are never ending! Or playing the unstopable Wii-Yes, we are so proud of you, for all of your ways
And our prayer is that through all your fun-filled days. God will keep you, protect you, and hold you close to His side, And with His strong hand to be your Guide. That you will learn to know Him and love Him . Abide him! So – we’re trusting our Lord to show us the way. To be good parents to our kids day after day. We love you so much, little guy – you’re the best! With you around we are happy and blessed. Happy birthday, little friend, (though its a two weeks late, it’s true!) Happy Birthday dear Day Day. We sure do love you!
Awww What a great post! LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures. Happy 3rd birthday to your sweet boy. Hope you all are having a great weekend.
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