Words CANNOT express how much we love these two children of ours. There will NEVER be favorites with the two. There will NEVER be loving the other one more. There will NEVER be choosing. These two will ALWAYS be EQUAL! Besides one is a girl and one is a boy. I never thought before we had kids you could love someone so much, until we had our two angels! All the late nights, crabby, no naps, whinning, teething, flu, shots, etc. ITS ALL WELL WORTH IT. NO REGRETS in life. We will always be here for you for anything. Everyday is a happy and sad day knowing your growing up and getting bigger. We try to teach you both the best we can. No one is perfect and hope to teach you that. But we will also try do our best for you to have a good head on your shoulder and know the rights and wrongs. We won't critique you for your choices but will also give our opionion. We will try to get you to grow up and be repsectful to your elders and have faith in yourself. Never feel like you failed, you always need to have confidence it will make you stronger in the end. I can't believe how you two have changed our lives. Its for the better and made us better people in and out. Well its getting all sappy and making me tear up...LOVE YOU ALWAYS DAVID AND KAELYN--->Love, Mommy and Daddy* Until next time...
Awww--this is so sweet! Save it for them to see when they're older. I love it!
Kaelyn and Bear Bear, you 2 are the luckiest kids to have the most wonderful mother and father. Ive been blessed from god to be the proud parent of your mom and dad. And to be your grandmother. Your mommy and daddy and me and uncle conrad love you so much. Love gramma
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