Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009

E-X-C-I-T-I-N-G* L-OU-D* F-A-S-T* D-I-R-T* D-O-N-U-T-S* I-N-T-E-N-S-E* F-R-E-E-S-T-Y-L-E*
Well even with way more words to describe I could go on and on... but I think you get the idea. :) Little David was the happiest 2 year old I have ever seen. His eyes were so big when he saw the trucks in the arena. He kept saying mommy daddy I drive truck! It was the cutest thing ever! This was a memory we will never forget. We headed out to the RBC Center for a night of FUN. On the way there both dad and david took a nap to hold them over while we drove there. An hour later we arrived and the night began... we got tickets for the pit party-- "which means that the truck drivers were there with the monster trucks and we were able to get signatures of everyone there." We had bought t-shirts for all of us to wear, and little david's favorite truck driver is Monster Mutt but unfortunely he wasnt there last night, he was in Greensboro, SC. After getting little David's t-shirt signed on the back by all the 4 wheelers and monster truck drivers we headed up to our seats that were three rows up from the arena. THEY WERE AWESOME SEATS!!! We grabbed some drinks and food headed to our seat and it began---> A man jumping from the ceiling on fire and diving into a blow up mat. It was the craziest thing. He sets himself on fire and jumps and they blow the fire extinguisher on him. We were like WOW. He has been doing it for about 25 years and loves the rush. Onto the 4 wheelers doing rounds which were interesting. The Monster trucks started the trucks up and roar roar out they came. It was intense. Little David had a smile on his face ear to ear. You always love making your kids happy and it makes you feel good that you did something that they enjoy. We bought him a plush truck, pennant, and ear muffs that which the muff part were tires! They were so cute. Day sat in his seat until 9 with no problem and cheered all the drivers on and clapped with every movement they did! We would like to start making it a year thing possibly. Hopefully we can get Kaelyn into when she gets a little older. IT WAS A NIGHT FULL OF FUN. Take my word and A MEMORY THAT WE WILL NEVER FORGET! Enjoy the pictures from Monster Jam 09*
'To look at the collage and/or other pics just click on it and it should get bigger'
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Well I figured I would pull the photo album out from the closets and remember when David and I were youngsters. It was funny and sad at the same time. I cannot believe how much little David looks like daddy. Also, Kaelyn is my clone, lol. Enjoy the pictures of when we were 2! Until next time...
Well another update on Kaelyn: She will be 9 months on the 29. :( She has 6 teeth now from the last update on her... She has her two bottom front teeth, four top front teeth. YES A TROOPER! You would think a child teething that much would be horribly crabby. Nope. I mean she is fussy every once in a while, but just as normal as any other. She usually is happy for the most part! Today she took about three crawls forward. So maybe soon she will be getting around going the right way. Cause as of now its backwards and rolling to get where she needs to be. Kaelyn pulls herself up on furniture or your leg. I think her brother has pushed her a lot to. Anywhere he is she wants to be there also! What a brother/sister bond that won't last forever, lol. Well off for now, until next time enjoy pictures of my babies!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Well it was in the county of about 6 inches of snow fell in our area the other day! I don't know who was more excited to go play in the snow, Dad or Little David. :) It was crazy. Or was it Dad was just excited to not have to go to work that day, lol. Of course, the southerns do NOT know how to drive in the snow/ice. So they close everything down. Makes everyone around here a little happy... for the south 'snow day.' It was fun to see them play in it. Kaelyn and I went outside for about 10 minutes. She was a little jealous when she saw the boys go outside so I let her look outside and she was so excited, decided I could let her go play for a few minutes. She enjoyed it all until the snow blew in her face. Well enjoy the Snow South! Until next time...
A house is a house is a house -until love comes through the door, that is.
And love intuitively goes around sprinkling that special brand of angel dustthat transforms a house into a very special home for very special people:your family.
Money, of course, can build a charming house,but only love can furnish it with a feeling of home.
Duty can pack an adequate sack lunch,but love may decide to tuck a little love note inside.
Money can provide a television set,but love controls it and cares enough to say noand take the guff that comes with it.
Obligation sends the children to bed on time,but love tucks the covers in around their necksand passes out kisses and hugs (even to teenagers!).
Obligation can cook a meal,but love embellishes the tablewith a potted ivy trailing around slender candles.
Duty writes many letters,but love tucks a joke or a picture or a fresh stick of gum inside.
Compulsion keeps a sparkling house.But love and prayer stand a better chance of producing a happy family.
Duty gets offended quickly if it isn't appreciated.But love learns to laugh a lotand to work for the sheer joy of doing it.
Obligation can pour a glass of milk,but quite often love will add a little chocolate.
~~ Author Unknown ~~
And love intuitively goes around sprinkling that special brand of angel dustthat transforms a house into a very special home for very special people:your family.
Money, of course, can build a charming house,but only love can furnish it with a feeling of home.
Duty can pack an adequate sack lunch,but love may decide to tuck a little love note inside.
Money can provide a television set,but love controls it and cares enough to say noand take the guff that comes with it.
Obligation sends the children to bed on time,but love tucks the covers in around their necksand passes out kisses and hugs (even to teenagers!).
Obligation can cook a meal,but love embellishes the tablewith a potted ivy trailing around slender candles.
Duty writes many letters,but love tucks a joke or a picture or a fresh stick of gum inside.
Compulsion keeps a sparkling house.But love and prayer stand a better chance of producing a happy family.
Duty gets offended quickly if it isn't appreciated.But love learns to laugh a lotand to work for the sheer joy of doing it.
Obligation can pour a glass of milk,but quite often love will add a little chocolate.
~~ Author Unknown ~~

Words CANNOT express how much we love these two children of ours. There will NEVER be favorites with the two. There will NEVER be loving the other one more. There will NEVER be choosing. These two will ALWAYS be EQUAL! Besides one is a girl and one is a boy. I never thought before we had kids you could love someone so much, until we had our two angels! All the late nights, crabby, no naps, whinning, teething, flu, shots, etc. ITS ALL WELL WORTH IT. NO REGRETS in life. We will always be here for you for anything. Everyday is a happy and sad day knowing your growing up and getting bigger. We try to teach you both the best we can. No one is perfect and hope to teach you that. But we will also try do our best for you to have a good head on your shoulder and know the rights and wrongs. We won't critique you for your choices but will also give our opionion. We will try to get you to grow up and be repsectful to your elders and have faith in yourself. Never feel like you failed, you always need to have confidence it will make you stronger in the end. I can't believe how you two have changed our lives. Its for the better and made us better people in and out. Well its getting all sappy and making me tear up...LOVE YOU ALWAYS DAVID AND KAELYN--->Love, Mommy and Daddy* Until next time...
'Weekend Getaway'

Friday, January 16, 2009

Well Kaelyn has a third tooth now. She can crawl backwards all over the house! Wherever she wants to go she manages to get there on her own. :) Its sad at the same time I am happy for her. My kids are growing up and not baby baby's anymore. Well, they will always be my baby's but you know what i mean. Today I put her in her crib for a nap and i walk by her room and she is pulling herself up to sit. I was like wow. Then, I go to the laundry room and am putting clothes away and walk by room again and what do you know, she managed to pull herself up on her knees and peaking at me over the bar laughing. It was so cute!
Little David is talking so well these days and potty training is wonderful. Except for at night time when he is sleeping. That's going to be a challenge. For the past 6 months he has been doing good though otherwise. He is always playing with his Nerf guns with all Davids friends and David. I can't believe just in another 6 months he will be 3. OMG. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO. :( He can count to 1-10. Which blows me away! We are so proud. He has a little sassy box on him at times... lol. Must get that from his father. Just kidding, I am at fault on that one.
Sorry on the picture so blurry. All I have right now for pictures if my cell phone. When we were at David's aunt house I had left our camera charger there. So until she sends me the charger, I just have the phone... Be patient and I will take some good ones of the kids for you guys... Until next time...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Following From Weekend:
Well this weekend was one of the greatest... Our best friends, "Kayce, Jason, and Jon" came down and joined us for a fun filled weekend. Friday night a bunch of our friends all met at Japanese and ate dinner and enjoyed ourselves, while the grandma Tammie watched the kids. Saturday was a very busy day. We got the kids baptized and I will share that once I get pictures together to share to you all the special day! That night, the girls went to go see 'Bride Wars.' It was AWESOME! It was well needed to be able to relax and not worry about anything. Sunday we went out for brunch with a few friends and relaxed the rest of the day. This weekend was a memory I won't forget. I am getting excited for so many things this year. :) In two weeks, David and I are taking little David to the Monster Jam in Raleigh. I am stoked. Well got to get to the kids, will post pictures when i get them from the BFF. Until next time...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Well as most of you know, we are getting the kids baptized on Saturday. I am so excited to share this special day with all of our friends and family. My mom flew into today to join and share the day with her grandbabies! We have chosen special people to be the godparents to David and Kaelyn. I will share whom they are after Saturday. I will post pics up of the fantastic weekend soon... Until next time you all have a wonderful weekend and ENJOY!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
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