Kaelyn at 1- Me at 1
Boxing kids
Day Day on 4th of July

My baby girl and I
Kaelyn, Grandma Tammie, Uncle Conrad, and Lil D the day she was leaving :(
Mom and her 2 babies

Playing Spongebob Operation
There all playing the WII-lol
Little Swimming Princess
Happy Fathers' Day
Dad and his babies on Father's day
My flowers from Day and Nay-Nay
My mom and I

She is to cute!
Well where do I begin, I have NOT blogged since June.... Yes I said June. My mom had come down for about 3 weeks. We had celebrated her May birthday while she was down here. The kids were oh so happy to see her. Its nice to have grandparents in the kids life to show them they are loved by so many people no matter how far they are away or close! Our kiddos are sure lucky! My mom had taken little David shopping like every day while she was here. We had spent the Saturdays at the in laws like every other Saturday! As always we enjoyed ourselves. My mom, MIL, and I were asked to come to the movies with Ms. Madeline and the girls one night to see The Proposal--- SO cute! :) I got to meet Suzanne! So nice and she brought some YUMMY Norwegian chocolate. O so good. on another night I had taken the Mom and MIL to Mexican for dinner and then we were off to see The Hangover. FUNNY! Now keep in mind. My mom has been to 3 movies this year. I think that's the most she has ever seen. She usually doesn't do good at the movies. :) Love you mom. She watched Kaelyn for us one night so David and I could take little David to go see Up. It was good but I would not recommend to a little little kid. They don't talk through a lot of the beginning of the movie. Otherwise the popcorn, pop, and candy were all so yummy with our baby boy! After my mom being here for a little bit my little brother decided he wanted to come down here and visit his niece and nephew and of course David and I. We have been having fun. My mom went home about 2 weeks ago. Sad to see her leave but I always love seeing her. Big David had went to Charleston and had a adult weekend with no kids for the 4th of July. He well deserved it- he has been working super hard at work and just started French class for the next 4 months. WOW---- what a language! Maybe he will take me to France! HA HA... :) Ya never know. The kids, Conrad, and I stayed here and had LOTS of fireworks to do and we could see the Fireworks that they had on base right in our backyard! How cool was that. KAelyn was really scared of them so she slept through it all. We have been just hanging out at the pool, in laws on the weekend, and found out this week David and I are expecting a niece 'Allyson Rose.' Lots happening soon- this weekend the MIL, big David, Lil David, Conrad, and I are going to go see Ice Age 3-d. SO EXCITED! I am a big kid at heart! Conrad is going home next week. My baby boy is turning 3 in 2 weeks... SAD... But happy at the same time. Were having his party on the 1st. Then I turn another year younger :), at the end of the month I go see my BFF!!! Holy cow lots going on... and so much more. Its giving me a headache just thinking of it all! I hope you all enjoy the pictures- I am missing a lot of info because I have slacked ALOT... I apologize... Enjoy your weekend!!! XOXOX