Lil Bit and I
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Lil Bit and I
Friday, May 29, 2009
Long time****

I have been MIA lately- not really in the mood to blog. Have lots going on which makes my mind other places. David is in school right now so I have been busy with the kids and running around. PROUD TO SAY- MY PASSPORT WILL BE IN MY MAILBOX WITHIN 3 WEEKS! WAHOO... :) SO excited. Like I said before I am down for any trips... lol.. :)
I feel a little bad- my hubby's birthday is Sunday and the Army of course has him away yet again for his birthday. So we will celebrate is when he gets back from school! I think we have some friends go out for dinner and I will make yummy cake! I am super excited too--- one of David's friend texted me and told me Davids plaque from his old unit is finally done. I am super stoked- this whole time David didn't think he was getting one. His friend told me its looks really good. I know David will be i shock in super thankful! He deserves it. :) Your doing good babe! Were SO proud of you!
The kids are getting big, Kaelyn is starting to talk a little bit more than she use to. She is teething I believe. From the looks of it her gums look swollen. David is starting to talk ALOT more... He can count to 14 now. :) PROUD MOMMY YES! I can't believe he will be 3 in August. :( Happy and sad feelings. I am super excited because that movie "Up" came out on the 29Th. I have been dying to go see it. So when David gets out of school I am hoping to bring little David, big David, and I to go see it! Its 3-d and little David loved the other 3-d movie I had taken him to. So that's on our agenda when he is home. That's all really for now. Until next time....

Sorry so late but my mom's birthday was this past Monday. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMMIE!~ I wish she was here to celebrate it with me but some things came up. Mom just remember no matter how far away you- we love you!! :) I would have loved to make a cake for you! Maybe next year :). Love you- and happy another year older!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Well today was little David's first time going to the dentist! He was WONDERFUL! I so thought he was going to be bad or scared or even cry. NOPE, he proved me all wrong! The dentist office was great with him and have a peds dentist office upstairs of the regular dentist office. Its so cute- they have little mini chairs like adults but for kids. All sorts of fun stuff on the chair to make the child feel comfortable and they give the kids some sunglasses so the light they use to look in their teeth doesn't hurt their eyes. :) I think he felt like he was on cloud 9! He was getting lots of attention. His teeth look wonderful and NO CAVITIES! YAHOO! The Dr. was like, "have you been brushing his teeth since he was a baby?" --- "YEP!" Well so far its paying off! He loves brushing his teeth now. After they counted all his teeth and looked at them they brushed him which he though was so cool! The Dr. asked him what colors he wanted him to paint his teeth- David tells him red. Lol. So Dr. was like ok there we will paint them red, he was doing a fluoride treatment on them. Day was so excited to think he had red teeth. What a trip! They let him pick a surprise out for himself and gave him a toothbrush and toothpaste. Kaelyn was with us- they also gave her a toothbrush and toothpaste! Both of my kids thought that was the coolest thing. We go back in 6 months on our anniversary what are the odds of that :) Hope we have no cavities again!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Happy 100th Post!
Well there is so much to celebrate in my 100Th post!! WOOT WOOT GO me. :) A big thank you to all who reads my blog. I am shocked I haven't lost any readers yet by boring them to death. LOL. I love sharing my kiddos and our everyday livings with you all and our family!! Its a lot better than myspace or facebook. Don't get me wrong I like the both of them but I am into Blogging more.
GUESS WHAT?! I got my plane ticket to Jamaica on Friday morning! GO ME! I am super stoked I can't stand it. I called "The Smoaks" travel consultant-which is wonderful by the way, and asked her to book my flight! She called me back later that evening and said Beaches will send my itinerary later that evening or first thing morning. :) YAY!!! I am staying one extra day then I had thought I was going to. I know I will have the greatest time minus the fact the hubby won't be able to make it. I really wish the Army would allow him but his school comes first and all he has ever wanted to do is finally in the making-which I 100 % support. I am super excited to take part in the BFF's event...In which I know the BIG DAY will be stunning and breathtaking to us all! Laying on the beach, swimming with the dolphins, and lots more on my agenda while I am there! I fly right out of here and I will catch a flight with some of the other guests which will be great that way we can all ride the shuttle together and make the ride so much fun!! I am super stoked to take part in the Mr. and Mrs. "I Do" events that Saturday! We wish them all the best and super excited- I need to find some cute clothes. Oct. will be here right before we know it! I went and got my passport photo taken Friday evening and scary it is! I booked a apt to follow through getting the passport and can't wait! Its good for 10 years you all- so anytime anyone would like to take me- let me know :)!
Now on to our weekend- we went to dinner to my favorite restaurant Outback Friday night! Oh so... yummy!!! We went out with some of our friend and Kaelyn was with us. Little David stayed the night at his Papa and Grandmas house. Of course, he had fun as always and swam and played Wii with them!
Saturday, we went to the fair for the third time! A couple of our friends joined us in on the fun. LOL. Little David is NO longer scared of rides. We had such a blast. The weather was perfect and it was so nice. After all the yummy fatty food, all the rides, and games we had our family drawn. Enjoy the funny picture! Headed home and called it a night!
Hope you all had a fun exciting weekend. Here's to joys for this week!! XoOxoXo
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Travis and Jason

Well today is my older brother Travis's Birthday!! He is turning 26 today--- wow....where does the time go at?!
Today is also my SIL's boyfriend- Jason's Birthday, I believe that he is 24 today... Well hope you both have a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Travis and Jason!
-Please disregard how crappy the pictures are. There old pictures and don't have no recent pictures... ENJOY YOUR CAKE!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Happy B-day MIL
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear mom/Grandma Joan....
Well today she is 44! We had her over for her birthday. I made sloppy joe's and little David and I baked Grandma Joan a cake! He was such a big helper!!! I thought her cake turned out good! She got some cute gifts and we had Ms. Madeline over. Dad also came over and celebrated a another birthday with her! Hope she liked it. :) Happy Birthday, mom. Love ya.
Great Sunday for ME!
Well my Mother's Day was GREAT! The kids and David surprised me at 6:30 a.m. with cards from each of them, a picture frame that says "LOVE" on it and a picture of the kids in it, and a candle set! I was shocked that David thought of all that on his own. Its funny because one day he went to Walmart with Kaelyn and got it all. I chuckled a little because I can't see David pushing Kaelyn around in a cart. Lol. Wow- I was surprised let me say! I loved it. They are so good to me. Thank you guys for it. :) That made my day right there just the three if them coming and getting me up at crack of dawn and then little David saying Happy Mother's Day mommy!! LOVE IT! In the afternoon we drove over to the MIL's to celebrate it with her too. We ordered pizza and ate cheesecake while little David swam in the pool! It was so nice outside!! It was a great Mother's Day except- I do wish I could also spend it with my mom to. Maybe next year. She deserves the day also!! Well off to watching trucks with Day-Day :)!
Part 2 on Nay-Nays B-day
Well here are some more pictures from my camera. My good camera broke on me while we were in Myrtle Beach and I keep procrastinating on getting it fixed. So for now I am dealing with the bad camera. There are still some cute pictures from Kaelyn's birthday party and some random pictures throughout from the week! Happy Tuesday you all! :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Congrats... U of U Grad
This is Davids good friend he has grown up with all through high school and his family is part of ours. Also, little David's godfather. Everyone is so proud and especially I am sure his parents are. They did such a great job raising him. He always was able to live a college life and keep the grades up as well! We wish you luck with the whole job field. Hope it all pays off!!! Well after a long 4 1/2 years of college and hard work he graduated today at the University of Utah with the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and Bachelor of Arts in Middle East Studies with an emphasis in Arabic! Wow- sounds so huge!!! Well CONGRATS again!! You have done GOOD!

I often contemplate my childhood, Mom.
I am a mother now, and so I know
Hard work is mixed together with the fun;
You learned that when you raised me long ago.
I think of all the things you gave to me:
I think of all the things you gave to me:
Sacrifice, devotion, love and tears,
Your heart, your mind, your energy and soul--
All these you spent on me throughout the years.
You loved me with a never-failing love
You loved me with a never-failing love
You gave me strength and sweet security,
And then you did the hardest thing of all:
You let me separate and set me free.
Every day, I try my best to be
Every day, I try my best to be
A mother like the mom you were to me
Mother's Day brings to mind
The thousands of things you did for me
that helped make me happier,stronger and wiser,
because I had you as a role model.
I'm grateful for all the times
I'm grateful for all the times
you healed my hurts and calmed my fears,
so that I could face the world feeling safe and secure.
I'm thankful for all you showed me
I'm thankful for all you showed me
about how to love and give--
lessons that now bring
so many blessings to me
each and every day.
Your sacrifices and unselfishness
Your sacrifices and unselfishness
did not go unnoticed, Mom.
I admire you, I respect you,I love you.
And I'm so glad you're my mother!
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
To ALL the other MOMS out there- Mother's Day is your day to shine! Happy Mother's Day and hope you all have a fabulous day!!! :)
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